Alternative Therapies

Meet your Spirit Guides

Published on 29 July, 2022 | Alternative Therapies

Meet Your Spirit Guides and Angels by Michelle Beaudry Questions About Your Life Path You need to know whether you are following your right life path, that your decisions are in keeping with your best and highest good, and that the spirit guides that you feel around you are really real. You want to speak […]

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Healing with Bach Flower Remedies

Published on 10 May, 2019 | Alternative Therapies | alternative therapies | Animal Healing | Working as Holistic Therapist

Dr Bach Flower Remedies  In this article we look at the fundamental difference between western medicine and  holistic therapies and how Bach Flower Remedies consider the whole person. Western Medicine versus Holistic Therapy Western medicine has an approach that focuses on a physical methodology.  Based on the use of pharmaceuticals and technology, it literally pares […]

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How You Can Benefit From Holistic Medicine

Published on 18 December, 2015 | Alternative Therapies | Holistic Therapy

How You Can Benefit From Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine is a concept which has existed for thousands of years and has many forms of application. The fields of practice which will be most effective at treating your symptoms will depend on your state of health, the practitioners that are available and the treatments that you […]

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Life Coaching and NLP

Published on 11 April, 2015 | Accreditation | Alternative Therapies | Counselling | Holistic Package Offer | Life Coaching & NLP | News | NLP

Combining Life Coaching and NLP for Better Results When it comes to helping others it is important to use all possible tools in order to help them succeed. The combination of Life Coaching with NLP is the ideal way to achieve this. By using both of these practices in order to help a client’s situation […]

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Colour Tips for the Home

Published on 20 August, 2012 | Alternative Therapies

Colour Therapy in the Home Colour in the home plays a central role in establishing the quality for light in our living environment. With a few tricks it is not only possible to transform the ambiance of a room can also visually alter the dimensions. Below are a few examples: Lower high ceiling by using […]

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Angel Connections

Published on 6 August, 2012 | Alternative Therapies

Understanding Angel Therapy Angel Therapy is an alternative holistic healing concept that involves communicating with the angels. It is believed that establishing this connection it is possible to identify and treat a wide range of health ailments. People can talk directly with their angel or use the services of a qualified Angel Therapist.

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