Human Aura – Part 7

Published on 28 August, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

Disease and the Aura In part 6 we discussed how love effects the aura, in this part we will learn more about disease and the human aura and how this affects us as human beings.

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Human Aura Part 6

Published on 24 August, 2013 | Free courses

Love, Emotions and the Human Aura In part 5 we looked at childrens auras and how food affects our aura, in this part we are looking at how love and our emotions affect our aura.

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Essential Oils

Published on 21 August, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

Guidelines When Using Essential Oils As essential oils are highly concentrated it is therefore important to follow the correct dosages that are recommended. In the case of oils, more is not better, in fact the opposite is true as it can have an adverse effect and the difference between one drop and two can actually […]

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What is Angel Therapy?

Published on 20 August, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

ANGEL THERAPY  Angel therapy calls on the angels to help you with your life. Yes you, me and all of us have guardian angels who want to guide us for our highest good right now.

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Mystery of the Human Aura – Part 5

Published on 16 August, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

THE DAWN OF INTELLECT – Childrens Aura In Part 4 we discussed the childs aura in its first year.  In this part we will learn more about childrens auras as they develop and grow.

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Mystery of the Human Aura Part 4

Published on 13 August, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

Childrens Auras In part 3 we discussed how childrens auras develop from  birth. To now return to the causal body this is the only aura to be perceived around the young infant. During the first months of life it appears to glow and palpitate with vibrations of extraordinary rapidity.

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Mystery of Human Aura – Part 2

Published on 9 August, 2013 | Auras

Human Aura In part 1 we discussed how food affects our aura and health. It has been proved, by observation, that disease shows itself in the aura before making itself felt in the organs of the physical body; it can be seen as dark patches, or as mottled condition in the vari-colored radiation surrounding the […]

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Mystery of the Human Aura Part 3

Published on 5 August, 2013 | Auras

Childrens Auras Posted on: 2012-09-22 09:20:23 Mystery of the Human Aura  – Infant Childrens Aura – see part 2 The newly born infant may aptly be called an  individualized foetus, for with the first breath the infant draws it becomes something more than a collection of chemical accretions. It becomes an individualized personality, with all […]

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Feng Shui – Windchimes (do they work?)

Published on 30 July, 2013 | feng shui

The Unique Relationship Between Wind Chimes And Feng Shui by Stephen Betzen There is a harmonious marriage shared by wind chimes and the natural forces of nature. As air current moves against the striker or clapper of the wind chimes, it knocks against the tuned pipes, which in turn sends waves of a reverberating “song,” […]

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The Mystery of the Human Aura – Part 1

Published on 29 July, 2013 | Understaning Auras

What is the Aura? Ursula Roberts – Spiritualist  – reproduced by T Kershaw The spiritualist Ursula Roberts, whom was a spiritualist and clairvoyant incorporated her observations in a small booklet called “The Mystery of the Human Aura” – This book is no longer in print however having been drawn into an old dusty bookshop in a […]

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Top Guide to Good Detox Foods

Published on 26 July, 2013 | Latest News

Detox Tips The following detox foods have been shown to be some of the best and shown to provide nutrients to help get rid of toxins in your body. Tip 1 – Apples help to lower fat and cholesterol levels.  Contains Pectin which  is a fibre that is found in citrus fruits, berries etc and this […]

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Aromatherapy Prescriptions

Published on 25 July, 2013 | Aromatherapy

Essential Oil Mixes We all know that essential oils are beneficial for a number of ailments, but to actually have a trusted and tried  recipe for a certain ailment is a great way to make your own aromatherapy prescription. Below are a few ideas that you may find helpful for some typical summer ailments. It […]

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Indian Head Massage Tips

Published on 23 July, 2013 | indian head massage

Tugging the hair, gently pull the hair and scalp up and together covering all of the head, tapping all over the head with tips of fingers and gently hacking the entire area.

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Palmistry Reading – Thumb and Nails

Published on 23 July, 2013 | Palmsitry

Palmistry Tips The Thumb The Thumb indicates Will power, Temper and logic. A normal Thumb when held straight against the palm should reach the middle of the first section of the Jupiter finger.  This will show a good balance of ego, self –motivation, and drive. A long Thumb will be one that reaches past the […]

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Tarot Reading – A Beginners Guide

Published on 22 July, 2013 | Simply Tarot

Your Guide to Tarot If you are new to tarot and are a little confused at how exactly the cards can be used then read on. One of the most frequently asked questions of tarot readers is how can they possible get information about them just by the turn of a card. To understand tarot […]

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